Ricardo Lianez

Mr. Ricardo Lianez
Mr. Ricardo Lianez
About me:
I came to fly fishing and TU by way of an old friend. My first fly fishing experience was harrowing and I vowed then never to do a repeat of opening day in PA. Turns out there is plenty of good water in VA.
Between pushing pixels for a trade magazine as art director, tying flies and my wife, I get out to fish 4-6x a month. I'm partial to spring creeks but will hit the national forest on occasion or the Shenandoah.
Currently on the board of our local Massanutten Chapter as web and social media hand.
Favorite quote:
I know enough to know I don't know everything.
My website:
My Facebook account:
My LinkedIn account:
Other Interests:
bow hunting
sporting clays
Fly Tying
sporting books
Group membership:
Massanutten - 171
Trout Magazine
Chapter Sites Users Group