Council Chair ForumBlog PostsJoin this group

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Breaking News!! OK, it's not really breaking news but it is confirmed that the next Council Chair call is scheduled for January 18th at 8 PM EST.  More information will be forthcoming via e-mail. Hope you can join us!
blog BY BeverlySmith ON December 13 - 0 COMMENTS
Tips and Tools
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Dear Council Chairs and Vice Chairs, Check out the new issue of TROUT Magazine online. And don't forget to scroll through to our Tips and Tools section. Each issue, Volunteer Operations is given two pages to communicate to you and your chapters what we think are the most important topics, events, [ READ MORE... ]
You voted '-1'.
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  The 2011 annual financial reporting period has closed. TU's Volunteer Operations staff would like to sincerely thank each of the 368 chapters and 35 councils that filed the report on time. And these aren't the only notable numbers--in fiscal year 2011, TU's chapters and councils generated: More [ READ MORE... ]