NRV Trout Unlimited
The New River Valley Chapter of Trout Unlimited (NRVTU) works to improve trout fisheries in the New River Valley region of Virginia. This region contains a richness of beautiful streams and fragile ecosystems that has the potential to support sustainable enjoyment for generations to come. The members of NRVTU recognize the fragile balance that exists between the natural wonders of our cold-water resources and those who spend time near them both during recreation and in day-to-day life. We believe that truly sustainable solutions exist, both economically and environmentally, that may allow humans to foster the trout fisheries in the New River Valley.
Chapter Officers:
- President - Zach Smith
- Secretary-Elly Hoinowski
- Treasurer - Bill Ross
- Conservation Programs -
- Special Events / Fund Raising -
- Communications - Jeb Stewart
- Webmaster - Shirley Shorter
Chapter Leaders:
- Trout in the Classroom Coordinators - Arnold Graboyes and Lynn Hayes
- Mayfly project - Zach Smith
Meeting Location:
Location changes from month to month please check the Web site or Facebook page for meeting location.
Contact email: NRVTroutUnlimited@gmail.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/NRVTU
Home waters:
Big Stony, Little Stony, New River, South Fork of the Holston River (Buller Fish Hatchery), South Holston