Conservation update
New River Valley Chapter of Trout Unlimited’s Conservation Initiatives
Our conservation goals dovetail Trout Unlimited’s mission to support and enhance the cold water habitats, waterways, and aquatic life in NRV ecosystems. Our chapter activities focus as trout advocates for this 4 county region and the land and water where we live.
Past and On Going Programs:
Stream Protection:
Big Stony Creek (Giles Co.) monthly water quality monitoring & posting.
River Trash Removal and Stream-side improvements - simi-annually
Tree Planting on River Banks and other erosion control measures Initiatives
Assisting regional US Forest Service with waterway barrier and culvert evaluations
Volunteer services to Virginia DGIF fisheries regional personnel
Gas pipeline construction monitoring and potential degradation of area streams
National TU and Community Outreach
Active membership in the NRV Watershed Advisory Board (Roundtable)
Regional representation for TU to VA Department of Environment Quality
Special interest local Clubs and Associations presentations of our TU mission
Investigate and report pollution, stream degrading, and habitat loss concerns
Also, in addition to Conservation, suggest a heading for Education. Listing to include:
Directing TU’s national Trout in the Classroom programs in 8 area schools
Fly casting seminars for beginners
Regional outdoor events supporting recreational activities and sport fishing